Role-Based Network Embedding via Structural Features Reconstruction with Degree-Regularized Constraint


Role-based network embedding aims to map network into low-dimensional node representations while preserving structural similarities. Adjacency matrix contain both the local and global information of a network, but it cannot directly represent the role of nodes. So it is essential to extract higher-order structural features from adjacency matrix for role-based network embedding (structural equivalence). While being sensitive to noise in real networks in general, the features extracted by some identical methods cannot truly represent the role of nodes. Therefore, we propose a deep learning framework RESD. In detail, we first propose extracting higher-order structural features for each node in the network. Then, we utilize the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) to model the nonlinear relationship of the features, reduce noise and improve the robustness of embedding. Furthermore, in the embedding space, we apply a degree-regularized constraint to guide the representation learning for preserving key structural information of nodes (e.g., degrees), which may be lost due to the principle of VAE framework. Finally, we construct a unified objective function to learn the node embedding for role discovery by preserving the structural features and node degree. We compare our model with several state-of-the-art methods on real-world networks. The results of extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and prove that our model scales well with dimension and network size.

Knowledge-Based Systems